
*Collaboration with any of these individuals does not imply that the Gernsbacher Lab endorses the entirety of the collaborator’s positions or views; neither does the collaboration of any of these individuals with the Gernsbacher Lab imply their endorsement of all views and positions posited by the Gernsbacher Lab.

Nameera AkhtarNameera Akhtar David BalotaDavid Balota James BartlettJames Bartlett
Kate CainKate Cain Michelle Dawson
Michelle Dawson
Sebastian DernSebastian Dern
Janet DuchekJanet Duchek Donald FossDonald Foss Alan GarnhamAlan Garnham
Rachel GioraRachel Giora T. GivonT. Givon Susan GoldmanSusan Goldman
Arthur GraesserArthur Graesser Bev HarpBev Harp Greg HickokGreg Hickok
Boaz KeysarBoaz Keysar Walter KintschWalter Kintsch Tracy LinderholmTracy Linderholm
Laurent MottronLaurent Mottron Jane OakhillJane Oakhill Sarah PripasSarah Pripas
Ted SandersTed Sanders Miriam ShlesingerMiriam Shlesinger Isabelle SoulièresIsabelle Soulières
Robert TillRobert Till Paul van den BroekPaul van den Broek