BINZAK, J. M., BUDDE, M.D., ROBERTSON, D., HERFEL, H., & GERNSBACHER, M.A. (2001, March). Suppression of irrelevant meanings of homographs. Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, New York.
- Sentence Sets [view HTML] [view PDF]
- [view Poster]
FOERTSCH, J., & GERNSBACHER, M. A. (1997). In search of gender neutrality: Is singular they a cognitively efficient substitute for generic he? Psychological Science, 8, 106-111.
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- Experiment 1 and 2 Materials (Singular They) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A. (1989). Mechanisms that improve referential access. Cognition, 32, 99-156.
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- Experiment 1-3 Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A. (1991). Comprehending conceptual anaphors. Language and Cognitive Processes, 6, 81-105.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Conceptual Anaphor Stimuli) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., & FAUST, M. (1991). The mechanism of suppression: A component of general comprehension skill. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 17, 245-262.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Homophone) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 4 Materials (Homograph) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., & FAUST, M. (1991). The role of suppression in sentence comprehension. In G. B. Simpson’s (Ed.), Comprehending word and sentence (pp. 97-128). Amsterdam: North Holland.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Noun-Verb Homograph) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., GOLDSMITH, H. H., & ROBERTSON, R. R. W. (1992). Do readers mentally represent fictional characters’ emotional states? Cognition & Emotion, 6, 89-111.
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- Emotional Mental Model Stories [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M.A., KEYSAR, B., ROBERTSON, R. R. W., & WERNER, N.K. (2001). The role of suppression and enhancement in understanding metaphors. Journal of Memory and Language, 45, 433-450.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Literal) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 2 Materials (Nonsense) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 3 Materials (Neutral) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., NELSON, J., & ROBERTSON, R. R. W. (1998). Suppressing erroneously drawn inferences during comprehension. Unpublished manuscript.
GERNSBACHER, M. A., RAIMOND, A. R., BALINGHASAY, M. T., & BOSTON, J. S. (2016). “Special needs” is an ineffective euphemism. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 1:29. DOI
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- Materials (Counterbalancing Scheme) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Materials (Vignettes) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Materials (Post-Experiment Questionnaire) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., RAIMOND, A. R., STEVENSON, J. L., BOSTON, J. S., & HARP, B. Do puzzle pieces and autism puzzle piece logos evoke negative associations?
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- [view OSF Page]
- Materials (Stimuli) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Materials (Post-Experiment Questionnaire) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., & ROBERTSON, R. R. W (1995). Reading skill and suppression revisited. Psychological Science, 6, 165-169.
GERNSBACHER, M. A., ROBERTSON, R. R. W., PALLADINO, P., & WERNER, N. K. (2004). Managing mental representations during narrative comprehension.Discourse Processes, 37, 145–164.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Names) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 2 Materials (Nouns) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., ROBERTSON, R. R. W., ROOTBERG, B. S., CAMPANA, M. E., & WERNER, N.K. (2001). The ubiquity of the advantage of first mention. Unpublished manuscript
- Experiment 1 Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 2 Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 3 Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 4 Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., ROBERTSON, R. R. W., & WERNER, N. K. (2000). The costs and benefits of meaning. In D. S. Gorfein’s (Ed.) On the consequences of meaning selection. APA Books, Washington, D.C.
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- Experiment 1 Materials (Neutral Meaning) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 2 Materials (Nonsense/No Meaning) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 5 Materials (Sub/Dom 1) [view HTML] [view PDF]
- Experiment 6 Materials (Sub/Dom 2) [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., SAUER, E. A., GEYE, H. M., SCHWEIGERT, E. K., & GOLDSMITH, H. H. (2008). Infant and toddler oral- and manual-motor skills predict later speech fluency in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 43-50.
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- Critical Items from Early Oral Motor and Manual Motor Interview [view HTML] [view PDF]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., & VARNER, K. R. (1988). The multi-media comprehension battery. Eugene, University of Oregon.
- Battery [view HTML]
GERNSBACHER, M. A., VARNER, K. R., & FAUST, M. (1990). Investigating differences in general comprehension skill. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 430-445.
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- Experiment 3 Materials (Jumbled) [view PDF]
- Experiment 3 Instructions [view PDF]
- Experiment 4 Materials (Noun-Noun Homograph) [view HTML] [view PDF]
LINDERHOLM, T., GERNSBACHER, M. A., VAN DEN BROEK, P., NENIDE, L., ROBERTSON, R. R. W., & SUNDERMEIR, B. (2004). Suppression of story character goals during reading. Discourse Processes, 37, 67-78.
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- Goal Stories [view HTML] [view PDF]
ROBERTSON, D. A., GERNSBACHER, M. A, GUIDOTTI, S. J., ROBERTSON, R. W. R., IRWIN, W., MOCK, B. J., & CAMPANA, M. E. (2000). Functional neuroanatomy of the cognitive process of mapping during discourse comprehension. Psychological Science, 11, 255-260.
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- Definite/Indefinite Materials [view HTML] [view PDF]
STEVENSON, J. L., GERNSBACHER, M. A. (2013). Abstract spatial reasoning as an autistic strength. PLoS ONE, 8, e59329. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059329
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